The Universe responds to Energy.

The Universe responds to what you're saying, what you're doing and how you're feeling.
Connect to positive energy only.
When you're feeling good - you're aligned with high vibrational frequencies and will attract even more positive energy to you!
Like energy attracts like energy.
The Universe responds to the energy you're sending out so pay attention to what you're saying, doing and feeling.
Your feelings are your guidance system - and how you attract.
Pay attention to how you feel and align with positive energy.
Raise your vibration - Attract positive energy - Manifest faster!
Inspire Good Vibes is about inspiring good vibes in as many ways as possible! The more you consume good energy articles, pics, videos, etc., the more you increase your good energy vibe, raise your vibrational frequency and start attracting more positive energy and circumstances to your life. I say bring it on - let's live the good life!
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