Seeking vs. Searching? Always SEEK!

Are you a Seeker or a Searcher?
Do you find yourself searching more or are you seeking - where life is more of an adventure to you? In searching, you shall not find - but, in seeking you find everything.
Your intention makes all the difference.
One has a bit of desperation and low vibes, while the other is full of possibility, curiosity, and joy.
Seeking allows for curiosity, for you to pause, to surrender - it's very feminine - there's no pushing here, but Searching is pushing, it's very masculine.

You search too much where you should seek.
You can bring more feminine energy into your life by being open and allowing for life to come to you.
In Seeking, it comes to you.
As Rumi (a 13th-century Persian poet, theologian, and scholar ) said long ago, "what you seek is seeking you." And that's because Seeking is an energy of abundance, of truth, and love.
You seek to expand and to become - but, when you search, you search to complete, chasing, you want to fill a void.

Seeking allows things to unfold...
To go with, to go within, seeking is the answer to your prayers.
You can have fun with it, you can be playful with it, and joyous. You can let all arrange before you and come to you - because you're one with these amazing energies, these high vibrational frequencies of Seeking and wonder.
Seek and you shall find, search and you shall grind.
Searching is a lower vibration - it's pushing, wanting, needing.
Let go. Allow, breathe.
Can you see the difference?
It's a subtle energy shift of allowing.
It's that which you are seeking that shows you the way - this is what I call
"creation energy."
As you tap into seeking, it brings all to you, because you're open and available to more. Seeking is the energy of joy and of love - of aligning to your truth and soul.
Let go and let it come to you.
Seeking is from Soul and more of a spiritual energy...
Searching is more ego, of wanting, and working in the physical world.
Stay with seeking as much as possible: in this abundance energy, of allowing and letting go, living from heart and expansion.
So, seek and you shall find.
Stop searching - allow for more seeking to come through for you.
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