Manifesting Your Dreams - The One Key

The Key to Manifesting your Dreams
It’s only from your truth and heart's desire that you can manifest the life you want.
In working with your desires - your connection to Soul - your aligned to Infinite Intelligence and that's when manifesting your dreams becomes easy.
Here's the breakdown:
- The Key to Manifesting
- Steps you can take to Manifest
- Manifesting Faster infographic
- Excerpts from the Book The Master Key System on Manifesting
- Re-cap of Manifesting
The Key to Manifesting:
1. Live in Harmony with Yourself and the Universe
When you're living your truth - you're in harmony with who you are and you're aligned with Source.
Because you're vibrating at the highest levels of who you are ( this is the "I am" presence which is your truth) which is your connection to Soul and Source.
What does your truth look like?
- your gifts and talents
- your calling
- your desires (which are from the heart and high-vibe)
- what inspires you!
Your truth is your connection to Soul and operating in alignment with Source.
When you feel called or inspired - well, that's there for a reason! It's an energy that's aligned with who you are and that's something to pay attention to because that's the easiest and fastest way to manifest.
2. High-Vibe Thoughts Align You with even more Possibilities
Thoughts are energy and affect you in both positive and negative ways. They create your future and are the first steps in manifesting or not manifesting.
The more positive high-vibe thoughts you have, the easier it is for you to create, but negative low-vibe thoughts make it hard for you to take action.
When we're aligned with higher energies, we're living in a completely different paradigm and available to more - that's when synchronicities, inspired ideas, and coincidences happen.
Living in the lower vibrations of fear, doubt, and worry limit you and have you playing small - and since you're in a lower paradigm that attracts even more low-vibe energy.
What we think, affects how we feel, and what we do -
and it's the energy that you're sending out to the world.
The Universe manifests through you, so the more you're in harmony and feeling good, following your purpose and aligned, the more the Universe can show up and assist you!
(The trick is - we need to get in the high-vibe game and meet the Universe halfway.)
And, if you're feeling low - that's your inner GPS telling you something's off and it's time to create a shift and get back into the high vibes. (Don't blow this off.)
Remember: The Universe responds to how you're feeling.
3. Get Aligned and Work with the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction doesn't judge or discriminate, it works with you whether you're thinking positive or negative thoughts - you attract what you think about the most.
The law of attraction responds to your belief system - it's really your own personal law of attraction.
What you believe you receive
What you believe - and what's in your subconscious, is your personal hard drive for manifesting.
Your beliefs were formed:A belief begins as a thought which becomes how you think, feel and act on a daily basis. Basically, it becomes your personality and identity.
What does that have to do with the Law of Attraction?
Since like attracts like, your beliefs and thoughts are attracting things, people, circumstances, etc. ... equal to your energy.
Your thoughts and beliefs = your personal energy = what you manifest
If you want to know what you really believe then look at your life and what you've manifested so far - the outer is just a reflection of the inner.
(You may want to argue with that, however that just means your subconscious is doing a great job of protecting you.)
We all have personal truths that we live by, they're not necessarily "true" but we believe them - and we even fight them. They're called our limiting beliefs - and we see those "beliefs" reflected back to us in our life.
Who you're BEING on a daily basis becomes your personal energy field - which is your vibrational frequency and what you'll manifest.
Use Journaling to Shift your Beliefs:
• I like to use journaling to shift my beliefs - when you write you can bypass the thinking mind and uncover a lot of those false beliefs - it's pretty amazing!
• It's the best way to uncover deep-seated beliefs that could be sabotaging you from manifesting the life you want. When you uncover a belief and bring it into the light, you're now aware and half-way there to changing that belief!
To manifest what you want - Align to your truth and live in the high-vibe energies:
• BELIEVE: You'll act in a completely different way when you believe something is possible. Your actions are a tell-tale sign of your beliefs.
• ALIGN: Align to Soul and Source - begin to live your truth and the law of attraction will reflect that energy right back to you!
• FEEL: When you pay attention to how you feel and decide to live in the higher vibrational frequencies then more is available to you. (The key is to decide how you want to feel, separate from circumstance.)
• VISION: When you have a vision, a dream - you can harness your energy, take inspired action and be guided to your next steps.
All of this allows you to manifest faster because you're fully aligned with your inner truth, your Soul and Source - a powerful combination for manifesting!
4. Connect to Your Power
-> Believe in yourself.
Know your desires and what you really want - which is aligning to your truth.
Change your state - move from thoughts and thinking to feeling from the heart and fully align with your desires and higher vibrational energies.
When you align with your Vision and can feel the experience of your manifestation ahead of time - you're creating and living in new possibilities.
Align yourself every day to your dreams and high-vibes: meditate, journal, do yoga, use affirmations - whatever it takes for you to get aligned and in the game!5. Have Faith that what you need will show up
When I was beginning my spiritual journey I would always hear these words in meditation: You worry about the Now and we'll worry about the How.
That meant that I was to work in belief every day and take action and the Universe would guide me and take care of the behind-the-scenes work in order to make it happen.
Let the Universe connect the dots!
You don't need to know "how" just do the work to move forward, one day at a time, and stay open to all possibilities and ideas - allow yourself to be guided.
Surrender, allow, and trust and know that doors will open, synchronicities and coincidences will occur - things will begin to line up, and a way will be made.
Let go and let God
Be open to being guided - especially if things aren't happening or working out as planned. Sometimes the pieces of the puzzle need to be rearranged first. So if all seems to be falling apart - that's what's going on - keep the faith and keep moving in the direction of your dreams!
There may be a better way, a faster way, a totally different and awesome way from your original plans - just know, the Universe is doing it's best to help you - so be open to other options and possibilities as they show up. :)
Steps for Manifesting:
You can manifest your dreams faster by feeling those positive vibes, tapping into the Quantum field and working with the Universe. (You can do this in just a few minutes too.)
1. Align with Your Purpose - Connect to your truth - and what you really want to create. What do you feel called to do? What inspires you?
2. Tap into how Manifesting Feels - begin to feel that success, health, wealth and happiness now. Start connecting to what it is you want to manifest and work with the law of attraction!
This is why I journal daily - remember, it's the feeling you're after so use whatever techniques can help you! The more you can believe and feel what you want the easier it is to manifest.
When you're working in the higher vibes you're feeling into a future you which changes your energy in the present and begins to align you with what you want.
3. Connect to a High-vibe State - Start your day off in the right state. Find out what works for you and gets you feeling good! (I read from a spiritual book, meditate and journal daily.)
* When your energy changes in the present then everything else begins to change too - you align with these new energies and begin to think, feel, and act differently and your world begins to shift!
Start your day aligned and in harmony with the Universe. You're not only sending out positive vibes and feeling great, but you're also sending out a one-of-a-kind of blueprint for what you want.
Here's an infographic from my favorite book on manifesting, The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel:


If you want to dive a little deeper into manifesting, here are a few excerpts from The Master Key System:
• Abundance is a natural law of the Universe.
Nature has made provision for man. That there is an abundance for everyone is evident, but that many fail to participate in this abundance is also evident; they have not yet come into a realization of the Universality of all substance, and that mind is the active principle whereby we are related to the things we desire.
Knowledge of cause and effect as shown by the laws governing electricity, and gravitation, enables man to plan courageously and execute fearlessly.
These laws are called Natural laws because they govern in the physical world, but all power is not physical power; there is also mental power, and there is moral and spiritual power.
* Spiritual power is superior because exists on a higher plane.
It has enabled man to discover the law by which is wonderful forces of Nature could be harnessed and made to do the work of hundreds and thousands of men.
As the plant reaches down into the mineral world and touches it with the mystery of Life, so Universal Mind reaches down into the human mind and endows it with the new, strange, wonderful and even marvelous qualities.
All men or women who have ever accomplished anything in the world of industry, commerce or art have accomplished it because of this process.
• Thought is the connecting link between the Infinite and finite, between the Universal and individual.
A thought is dropped into the invisible substance of the Universal Mind, that substance from which all things are created, and as it takes root, the law of growth begins to take effect and we find that conditions and environment are but the objective form of our thought.
The law is that thought is an active vital form of dynamic energy which has the power to correlate with its object and bring it out of the invisible substance from which all things are created into the visible or objective world.
This is a law by which, all things come into manifestation - it is the Master Key.
• This creative power depends upon our recognition of the potential power of spirit or mind.
The great error of this present day is the idea that Man has to originate the intelligence whereby the Infinite can proceed to bring about a specific purpose or result.
Nothing of this kind is necessary; Universal Mind can be depended upon to find the ways and means for bringing about any necessary manifestation.
We must operate in harmony with the law.
We see the law in operations everywhere; all Nature testifies to the operation of the law by silently, constantly expressing itself in the law of growth.
Where there is growth, there must be life; where there is life there must be harmony so that everything that has life is constantly attracting to itself the conditions and the supply which are necessary for its most complete expression.
• If your thought is in harmony with the creative Principle of Nature, it is in tune with the Infinite Mind.
Constructive thought must necessarily be creative, but creative thought must be harmonious, and this eliminates all destructive or competitive thought.
Wisdom, strength, courage and all harmonious conditions are the results of power and we have all seen that all power is from Within; likewise, every lack, limitation or adverse circumstance is the result of weakness and weakness is simply the absence of power.
Knowledge will not apply itself.
Abundance will not come to you out of the sky, neither will drop into your lap, but a conscious realization of the law of attraction and the intention to bring it into operation for a certain, definite, and specific purpose, and the will to carry out this purpose will bring about the materialization of you desire.
If you are in business, it will increase and develop along regular channels, possibly new or unusual channels of distribution and will be opened and when the law becomes fully operative you will find that the things you see are seeking you.
The Universe responds to how you're feeling
YOUR Thoughts = Your Feelings = Your Actions
A Quick Recap on Manifesting:
• When your thoughts are in harmony with what you want - when you're living your truth - then the Universe and the Law of Attraction can help you manifest faster.
• You can work with the Law of Attraction by setting an intention, having a definite purpose and then taking aligned inspired action.
When you're aligned, things begin to manifest - but you have to do your part - be in belief, have faith, and move towards your dreams!
Get Aligned - Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Faster!
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